Lördag 15 februari kan störningar och avbrott förekomma på Skatteverkets e-tjänster på grund av underhållsarbete.
In this e-service, you can register a foreign company liable to pay taxes in Sweden. This applies both for you as a sole trader (a natural person) or representative of a company (a legal person). You can register the company for value added tax (VAT), employer’s contributions and/or income tax. If you are a legal person, you can also apply for a Swedish company registration number without registering the company to pay taxes.
Before using the e-service, you can see what information, documents and certificates needed to fill out the form below.
As a foreign sole trader or a representative of a foreign company, you can use the e-service for
If an enterprise has no Swedish corporate identity number at present, the Swedish Tax Agency will assign one when registering the enterprise for one of the tax categories above.
As a legal person you can choose to only apply for a Swedish corporate identity number, without having to register the company to pay taxes.
In this chapter, you can see what information, documents and certificates you need to have available when using the e-service.
Before you leave information about registering your company you need to make an evaluation whether the company manages its business from a permanent establishment in Sweden or not. You can read more about what it means to have a permanent establishment here.
Passport or national identity card. If you are a citizen outside of EU, you also need to attach a document proving your right to stay in Sweden.
Excerpt from records proving the existence of the legal person
Documents proving freedom of debt
Documents showing the ownership structure if the company is a closely held company.
Documents proving the debt freedom for every owner with influence in the closely held company
You need to attach the following
Power of attorney/Vollmacht/Procuration/Fullmakt (SKV 5703)
Attachment of A1 or E101 certificate showing in what country every posting personnel have their social security.
The Swedish Tax Agency can demand a completion of information needed to finish the registration. In that case, we may contact you for further information.