This is a guide on how to use the e-service Property tax return, Agricultural property.
Use our e-service Property tax return, Agricultural property (in Swedish: Fastighetsdeklaration, lantbruk).
The opening hours for the e-service are seen in the white box next to the yellow log-in button. If the the e-service is closed you see the text "Stängd" in the white box.
When you have selected the e-service you want to log in to, a login page will open. In the upper part of the view you can change the language to English by clicking the button ”English”. By choosing ”International” you get more alternatives for eIDs you can use to log in to the e-service. Select the login mode that suits you best by clicking it, and then proceed to identify yourself.
When you have logged in to the e-service, the first page opens and shows you the properties you have to declare for your current property tax assessment.
Each tax assessment unit that must be declared is individually marked in its own box. Details of the tax assessment unit’s property designation, assessment unit number, property type and total area are stated at the top of the box.
If you as the property owner have received a draft of the property’s new assessed value, you have to check that the details are correct. If all the details in the draft are correct, you don’t need to submit anything to the Swedish Tax Agency; your silent approval of the draft is sufficient.
However, if you need to change any of the prefilled details, you must provide the Swedish Tax Agency with the relevant details.
If you as the property owner have received a property tax return, you need to provide the Swedish Tax Agency with information about your property, and submit the tax return to us.
“File property tax return” button – This is the button you click in order to change the details in the draft of the property’s new assessed value you have been sent, or to file a tax return for your property. To proceed with providing information about your property, click the button marked “Deklarera fastighet” (“File property tax return”).
You will be directed to various pages within the e-service, depending on which information you need to provide.
If you wish to move between different pages in the e-service, click the button marked “Nästa sida” (“Next page”) to move forward, or the button marked “Föregående sida” (“Previous page”) to go back.
Pagination is used so that a certain number of properties are shown on each page. You can therefore use the drop-down menu on the button marked “Sida x av x” (“Page x of x”) if you want to go straight to a specific page.
If you have chosen to file a property tax return for a tax assessment unit, you will be directed to the next page in the e-service. Here, you will be informed that you need to submit information to us before the submission deadline by.
You need to submit information about the property in order for the Swedish Tax Agency to be able to calculate its correct assessed value. You do this by clicking on the button “Lämna uppgifter” (“Submit information”).
If the property was sold before 1 January the year of assessment, you just need to notify the Swedish Tax Agency of the change of ownership. You do this by clicking on the button “Meddela ägarbyte” (“Submit change of ownership notification”). (See section 3.7)
This is an example from the e-service.
If you have chosen to provide us with information about a tax assessment unit, you will be directed to page that provides an overview of all your land and buildings. If you click on a plot of land or a building, a page will open up, showing you all the information that the Swedish Tax Agency has about that value unit for taxation.
If the list does not include all value units for taxation, you can add a value unit yourself by clicking on the button “Lägg till Byggnad eller mark” (“Add building or plot of land”). (See section 3.3)
If you want to submit a piece of information to the Swedish Tax Agency, you can click on the button marked “Lägg till Övriga uppgifter” (“Add further details”). You will then be directed to a free text field where you can enter the relevant details. (See section 3.6)
In this section of the e-service you can provide information regarding productive forest land.
If you need to submit information about productive forest land, you will be directed to a form to fill in. All the information that the Swedish Tax Agency needs to know about your land is specified on this form.
The land concerned is stated (by numbering) at the top of the form. You also have the option of removing the land in question by clicking on the wastebasket icon marked “Begär borttag skogsmark” (“Request removal of forest land”). (See section 3.5)
Note that information marked with an asterisk (*) is required.
You must/can also provide information about the following:
Click on the button marked “Spara” (“Save”) to save the information. You will then be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1)
If you click on “Save” when a piece of information is missing, you will see an error message outlining what needs to be done before the information can be saved.
If you want to go back to the overview page without saving any information, click on the button marked “Tillbaka” (“Back”). (See section 3.1)
If you are going to submit information about productive forest land you will be taken to a form. All the information that the Swedish Tax Agency needs to know about your land is specified on this form.
The land concerned is specified at the top of the form (by numbering). You also have the option of removing the land in question by clicking on the wastebasket icon that says “Request removal of forest land”. (See section 3.5)
Note that information marked with an asterisk (*) is required.
On the rest of the form, you must/can provide information about the following:
Click on the button marked “Spara” (“Save”) to save the information. You will then be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1)
If you click “Save” when a piece of information is missing, you will see an error message outlining what needs to be done before the information can be saved.
If you want to go back to the overview page without saving any information, click on the button marked “Tillbaka” (“Back”). (See section 3.1)
If you are going to submit information about unproductive forest land, you will be taken to a form. All the information that the Swedish Tax Agency needs to know about your unproductive forest land is specified on this form.
The unproductive forest land concerned is specified at the top of the form (by numbering). You also have the option of removing the unproductive forest land in question by clicking on the wastebasket icon that says “Begär borttag skogligt impediment” (“Request removal of unproductive forest land”). (See section 3.5.)
Note that information marked with an asterisk (*) is required.
On the rest of the form, you have to/can provide information about the following:
Click on the button marked “Spara” (“Save”) to save the information. You will then be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1)
If you click “Save” when an item of information is missing, you will see an error message outlining what needs to be done before the information can be saved.
If you want to go back to the overview page without saving any information, click on the button marked “Tillbaka” (“Back”). (See section 3.1)
If you are going to submit information about arable land, you will be taken to a form. All the information that the Swedish Tax Agency needs to know about your arable land is specified on this form.
The arable land concerned is specified at the top of the form (by numbering). You also have the option of removing the arable land in question by clicking on the wastebasket icon that says “Begär borttag åkermark” (“Request removal of arable land”). (See section 3.5)
Note that information marked with an asterisk (*) is required.
On the rest of the form, you must/can provide information about the following:
Click on the button marked “Spara” (“Save”) to save the information. You will then be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1)
If you click on “Save” when a piece of information is missing, you will see an error message outlining what needs to be done before the information can be saved.
If you want to go back to the overview page without saving any information, click on the button marked “Tillbaka” (“Back”). (See section 3.1)
If you are going to submit information about pasture land, you will be taken to a form. All the information that the Swedish Tax Agency needs to know about your pasture land is specified on this form.
The pasture land concerned is specified at the top of the form (by numbering). You also have the option of removing the pasture land in question by clicking on the wastebasket icon that says “Begär borttag betesmark” (“Request removal of pasture land”). (See section 3.5)
Note that information marked with an asterisk (*) is required.
On the rest of the form you must/can provide information about the following:
Click on the button marked “Spara” (“Save”) to save the information. You will then be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1)
If you click on “Save” when a piece of information is missing, you will see an error message outlining what needs to be done before the information can be saved.
If you want to go back to the overview page without saving any information, click on the button marked “Tillbaka” (“Back”). (See section 3.1.)
If you opt to click on a land belonging to the property, or if you opt to add land, you will be shown a form. All the information that the Swedish Tax Agency needs to know about your land in specified on this form.
At the top of the form, you have the option of removing land. You do so by clicking on the wastebasket icon that says “Begär borttag tomtmark” (“Request removal of land”). (See section 3.5)
Note that information marked with an asterisk (*) is required.
On the rest of the form, you must/can provide information about the following:
Click on the button marked “Spara” (“Save”) to save the information. You will then be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1)
If you click on “Save” when an item of information is missing, you will see an error message outlining what needs to be done before the information can be saved.
If you want to go back to the overview page without saving any information, click on the button marked “Tillbaka” (“Back”). (See section 3.1)
If you opt to click on a residential building belonging to the property, or if you opt to add a residential building, you will be shown a form. All the information that the Swedish Tax Agency needs to know about your residential building is specified on this form.
At the top of the form, you have the option of removing a residential building. You do so by clicking on the wastebasket icon that says “Begär borttag bostadsbyggnad” (“Request removal of residential building”). (See section 3.5)
Note that information marked with an asterisk (*) is required.
On the rest of the form, you must/can provide information about the following:
“Om- eller tillbyggnad” (Conversion or extension) 2020-2022
Click on the button marked “Spara” (“Save”) to save the information. You will then be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1.)
If you click on “Save” when a piece of information is missing, you will see an error message outlining what needs to be done before the information can be saved.
If you want to go back to the overview page without saving any information, click on the button marked “Tillbaka” (“Back”). (See section 3.1.)
If you opt to click on an agricultural building belonging to the property, or if you opt to add an agricultural building, you will be shown a form. All the information that the Swedish Tax Agency needs to know about your agricultural building is specified on this form.
At the top of the form, you have the option of removing an agricultural building. You do so by clicking on the wastebasket icon that says “Begär borttag ekonomibyggnad” (“Request removal of agricultural building”). (See section 3.5.)
On the rest of the form, you must/can provide information about the following:
The above form shows all the information that needs to be provided for a value unit that is an agricultural building.
At the top of the form, you have the option of removing an agricultural building. On the rest of the form, you must/can provide information about the following:
If you select “Under construction” above, you will be asked to enter the following details:
If you opt to click on an agricultural building belonging to the property, or if you opt to add an agricultural building, you will be shown a form. All the information that the Swedish Tax Agency needs to know about your agricultural building is specified on this form.
At the top of the form, you have the option of removing an agricultural building. You do so by clicking on the wastebasket icon that says “Begär borttag ekonomibyggnad” (“Request removal of agricultural building”). (See section 3.5.)
On the rest of the form you must/can provide information about the following:
The above form shows all the information that needs to be provided for a value unit that is an agricultural building.
At the top of the form, you have the option of removing an agricultural building.
On the rest of the form you must/can provide information about the following:
If you select “Under construction” above, you will be asked to enter the following details:
“Om- eller tillbyggnad” (Conversion or extension)
If the list does not include all value units, you can add a value unit yourself by clicking on the button marked “Lägg till Byggnad eller mark” (“Add building or plot of land”).
You will then be shown a drop-down menu where you select the type of land or a building you want to add. Once you have selected a value unit, you will be taken to the relevant form. (See sections 3.2.1-3.2.9.)
If you change your mind and decide not to add another value unit, click the button marked “Tillbaka” (“Back”) to be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1.)
If you need to add some information on a particular value unit for taxation, this will be shown in the overview. You will see a message in red saying “Åtgärd krävs” (“Action required”) by the value unit in question.
You then have to click on the value unit in question in order to add the missing details before you can sign and submit the information. (See sections 3.2.1-3.2.9 on the form for an outline of the details that need to be added.)
When you have the form for a particular building or plot open, you can opt to remove a value unit by clicking on the wastebasket icon saying “Begär borttag av x” (“Request removal of X”) (in the example below, the icon is marked “Begär borttag ekonomibyggnad” (“Request removal of agricultural building”).
If you opt to remove a value unit, you will be asked to provide a reason for this. You can enter a maximum of 1,000 characters.
Click on the button marked “Spara” (“Save”) to save the text you have entered, then you will be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1.)
If you don’t want to provide a reason for your removal of the agricultural building, click on the button marked “Avbryt” (“Cancel”).
If you have opted to provide other information, you will be taken to a text box where you can enter additional details about your property. The information you provide can be a maximum of 1,000 characters in length.
Click on the button marked “Spara” (“Save”) to save the text you have entered, then you will be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1)
If you change your mind about providing other information, click on the button marked “Avbryt” (“Cancel”) and you will be taken back to the overview page where all value units are listed. (See section 3.1.)
If the property was sold before 1 January the year of assessment, you do not have to provide any information about it.
You need to notify the Swedish Tax Agency of the change of ownership instead. You do this by clicking on the button marked “Meddela ägarbyte” (“Submit change of ownership notification”).
When you have on the button marked “Meddela ägarbyte” (“Submit change of ownership notification”), you will be asked to provide your phone number so that the Swedish Tax Agency can contact you if necessary. The phone number you provide can comprise a maximum of 15 characters.
Once you have provided your phone number and want to proceed, click on the button marked “Spara” (“Save”). You will then move on to a signing procedure during which you have to approve the information you have provided using your eID.
If you change your mind about submitting a change of ownership notification, click on the button marked “Avbryt” (“Cancel”).
Once you have provided all the information about your property and want to submit it to the Swedish Tax Agency, click on the button marked “Signera och skicka in” (“Sign and submit”).
Once you have approved the information and submitted your tax return, we will provide you with a receipt confirming the details you have submitted via our e-service.
The receipt will include the following:
“Produktiv skogsmark utan avverkningsrestriktioner nr 1” (Productive forest land without felling restrictions no. 1)
“Produktiv skogsmark med avverkningsrestriktioner nr 1” (Productive forest land with felling restrictions no. 1)
“Skogligt impediment nr 1” (Unproductive forest land no. 1)
“Åkermark nr 1” (Arable land no. 1)
“Betesmark nr 1” (Pasture land no. 1)
“Ekonomibyggnad, Nummer 1 kategori 21” (Agricultural building, Number 1 category 21
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