Lördag 15 februari kan störningar och avbrott förekomma på Skatteverkets e-tjänster på grund av underhållsarbete.
On our website, we have a range of forms for taxes, tax collection and national registration in what is known as pdf format. To use these forms, you will need to install the program Acrobat Reader. We recommend the latest version, as this gives the best results. You can download the program free of charge from the Adobe website.
Each of our forms now has its own cover sheet – in HTML format. Here, there is a link to the most recent version of the form, as well as supplementary information and references. The addresses of the cover sheets are not changed when new versions of a form are published. This means that you can bookmark the cover sheets.
When you want to use a form on your computer, click the “Download form” link on the cover sheet. Through your Acrobat Reader, the pdf file will then open, displaying the form on your screen.
If you do not want to open the file straight away, you can save it on your computer. In fact, it is often better to work with pdf files from your own hard drive. It is also a good idea to download the files and store them on your computer if several people need to use the same form.
During peak load periods, it may take a little while to pick up the files from our Web server. We can deal with most situations, but not “all tax return applicants at the same time on 2 May”. Try and send your returns in early! Download the forms and brochures you need in good time – that will help you avoid having to “wait in line”.
Right-click on “Download form”. In the menu that appears, select “Save target as”, “Save link as” (or a similar command, depending on the Web browser you are using). Then save the file in a directory of your choice. You can then open the file in Acrobat Reader whenever you need to use it.
Start by marking a field with your mouse pointer. Complete the field. Then use the Tab key to move on to the next field, or Shift+Tab to move one field back. The marker will appear in each field that you can complete. You can also use your mouse marker to move from field to field.
Many forms consist of more than one page. On these forms, you can “jump” forwards to the next page, or backwards to a preceding one. To do this, simply click on the appropriate black arrow at the top of the Acrobat Reader screen. Again, you can also use your mouse marker and the scroll bar to move backwards and forwards through the document. Once you have completed the form, print it out in the normal way.
If you are using the free Acrobat Reader program, you will not be able to save completed forms. If you want to be able to save completed forms on your computer, you must have access to one of the following programs: Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Business Tools or Adobe Acrobat Approval. These programs are not free. For more information about these products, visit the Adobe Web site.
You can use all the forms on the Web site (with the exception of those mentioned below) to submit information to the Swedish Tax Authorities or the Swedish Enforcement Service. Only the “first pages” of forms that are normally prepared in what are known as sets of forms are published on the Web site. You are welcome to use these – even though they may be marked “Tax Authorities’ Copy”!
The versions of these forms that are published on the Web site are only for use as rough drafts – i.e. for calculating your final tax bill. Pre-printed tax return forms are sent to you directly by post in good time before the closing date for submitting returns.
You can use the Ordering Service here on the Web site to order the most commonly used forms – and even copies of the simplified return form, if required. If you have received a special income tax return form, but need a simplified income tax return form, please contact your local tax office.
You still have to print the forms out and deliver or post them to the authorities as hard copies. This means that as yet it is not possible to submit forms by e-mail, for example. Before long, we will be adding a number of different “e-services” to our Web site. We’ll let you know as and when these become available!
Many users – such as companies and auditing firms – need to use forms regularly. More and more people are therefore building up their own supply of forms on their hard drives or on a shared server. It can be very practical to have direct access to the forms you need without having to go online every time you need one. Here’s what to do: create one or more directories. Download the form files (or other pdf files) you need. You can then open the files in Acrobat Reader whenever you need to use them.
You can also find advice and tips in the “Reader Online Guide”, a submenu in the Help menu of your Acrobat Reader program. The Adobe website also contains plenty of useful information.