This is a guide on how to use the e-service filing Income Tax Return 1 via e-service.
Use our e-service filing Income Tax Return 1 via e-service (in Swedish: Inkomstdeklaration 1).
The opening hours for the e-service are seen in the white box next to the yellow log-in button. If the the e-service is closed you see the text "Stängd" in the white box.
E-tjänsten Inkomstdeklaration 1 är stängd från 19 december 2024.
Tisdag 18 mars öppnar Inkomstdeklaration för 2025.
Select the login mode for eID (“E-legitimation”) or security code (“Säkerhetskod”).
When you have selected the e-service you want to log in to, a login page will open. In the upper part of the view you can change the language to English by clicking the button ”English”. By choosing ”International” you get more alternatives for eIDs you can use to log in to the e-service. Select the login mode that suits you best by clicking it, and then proceed to identify yourself.
At the top of the start page you will find the following information:
There is also a link to the “My pages” section (“Mina sidor) and an option to log out of the service.
The top menu bar shows the various sections of the service: “Start”, “Check”, “Annexes”, “Make changes”, “Tax calculation”, “Bank account”, “My contact details”, “Submit”, and “Receipts for previous years”. You access the various sections by clicking on each heading, which is also a link to the section in question.
On the start page, you can also find the result of your preliminary tax calculation.
This shows either the refund you are due to receive (“Belopp att få tillbaka”) or the amount you have to pay (“Belopp att betala”). The preliminary tax calculation is updated when you make changes to your tax return, for example if you add or remove amounts or fill in annexes. The box is green if you are due a refund and pink if you have tax to pay.
For further instructions in Swedish, click on the help icon.
This is where you check that the information is correct. A summary is shown including the total amounts from statements of earnings and deductions for each tax return section (1. “Income from employment”, 3. “General allowances”, etc.).
The menu item for annexes (“Bilagor”) can only be selected if you logged in using eID.
This menu selection allows you to fill in the following annexes:
You can manage your annexes in one of three ways: you can fill in an annexe that the Swedish Tax Agency has already generated for you; create and fill in an annexe yourself; or import information from an annexe already transferred as a file.
If you have sold securities such as shares, investment fund units or bonds, you have to report the sale in annexe K4. This annexe has been created for you with most of the information already filled in. The only thing you have to add is your cost amount for the securities sold.
If you have sold your private residence, you have to report the sale in your tax return. If you have sold a detached house, a terraced house, a semi-detached house, a holiday home or an owner-occupied apartment, you have to report the sale in Annexe K5.
If you have sold a tenant-owner apartment or a tenant-owner terraced house, you have to report the sale in annexe K6.
This is where you submit information for calculating your profit or loss from the sale of the property. First indicate whether the amounts stated in the section are shared between several part-owners or individual (your own).
Select shared amounts if:
Select individual amounts if:
Note that if there are several of you selling together, but with different purchase prices and improvement costs, the relevant amounts for sale price, selling costs, purchase price, improvment costs, etc. need to be specified for each seller.
Select the annexe you want to create under the heading “Bilagor som du kan välja att lägga till” (“Annexes you can choose to add”).
Select the option for the type of property sold (“Typ av såld bostad”).
Then click “Nästa” to got o the next step.
If you selected residential house or owner-occupied flat, a K5 annexe will be created.
If you selected the option for a tenant-owner property, a K6 annexe will be created.
If you stated that you want to apply for a deferral of tax on the profit, continue by selecting the deferral (“Uppskov”) section.
If you have any questions about other annexes, contact our tax information service (“Skatteupplysningen”).
If the Swedish Tax Agency has created an annexe for you, there is the option to delete the prefilled information. You clear the information by clicking “Återställ” at the bottom of the page. If you have already begun filling in information yourself, we recommend that you instead delete, change or add information manually, in order to avoid filling in the entire annexe again.
If you have created an annexe yourself that you do not want to submit, or that you want to submit by different means, you can remove that annexe by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.
You can also remove completed annexes after selecting annexes (“Bilagor”) from the menu.
Click on Change ("Ändra").
If you logged in with a security code, you can only request deductions for travel to and from work, provide contact details, and specify or change your bank account details.
If you logged in with eID, you have access to all functions in the e-service.
You can change prefilled information, add information that is missing from the boxes in the income tax return, or provide other information.
The image below shows what it looks like when you change “Salary, benefits including sickness benefit, etc.”
To request deductions in the section “2. Deductions – Employment” you must have stated an income in items 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6 or 1.7 of the section “1. Income – Employment”.
Fill in a new total amount and click “Spara” to save.
Fill in a new total amount and click “Spara” to save.
The image below shows what it looks like when you request a redistribution for ROT work.
Click om Tax calculation ("Skatteuträkning").
Here you have the possibility of making a tax calculation to estimate your final tax. The tax calculation automatically considers any changes you have made to your tax return.
Click on Bank account ("Bankkonto").
Here you specify a bank account for tax refunds to be paid to. This has to be a Swedish bank account with you as the account holder. If a bank account has already been registered for this purpose, you will see it here.
Click on My contact details ("Mina uppgifter").
This is where you provide your contact details so that the Swedish Tax Agency can easily reach you in the event of any questions about your tax return.
Fill in an email address and a telephone number to a fixed-line or mobile phone. This is also where a tax return representative can provide or change contact details for the person whose tax return they are filing.
Click on Submit ("Skicka in").
This is where you sign and submit your tax return. When you have confirmed that the details in it are correct, put a tick in the box “Jag har granskat och vill skriva under” (“I have reviewed the details in my tax return, and want to sign it”).
Click on “Nästa” (“Next”). You will then come to the next step: “Kvittens” (“Receipt”).
Click on Receipt ("Kvittens").
The receipt will only be available via the menu after the first time you have approved and submitted your tax return via the e-service, the app, your telephone or SMS.
The receipt states when you submitted your tax return and what information you submitted. It also specifies whether the tax return was submitted via the internet, telephone or SMS.
This section shows receipts for income tax returns filed in previous years, either via this e-service for Income Tax Return 1 or the mobile app, or if Income Tax Return 1 was approved via SMS or service telephone.
The receipts for previous years menu item (“Kvittenser tidigare år”) only shows receipts for the preceding five years.
When your tax return has been filed and you have tax to pay on the basis of the information in the return, you can pay via Swish if you logged in using eID. Alternatively, you can choose to pay later via Bankgiro.
You log out of the Income Tax Return 1 e-service by clicking “Logga ut”. If you made changes to your tax return without submitting it, you will see a warning message when you clickto log out. You will also get a warning message if you submitted a tax return with additional or changed information that you have not approved.