Tolls must be paid for trucks and truck/trailer combinations with a total weight of 12 tonnes or more that are used exclusively for the transport of goods.
This information applies only to foreign-registered heavy goods vehicles using the Swedish road network. You can also consult the German organisation AGES for further information on tolls.
Other rules apply to Swedish-registered heavy goods vehicles.
On 1 January 1998, Sweden joined the Eurovignette system in which several countries collaborate in the joint collection of tolls for heavy goods vehicles using certain roads. In addition to Sweden, the toll collaboration scheme includes Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Tolls paid in one of these countries are also valid for travel in the other countries’ road networks.
Tolls must be paid for trucks and truck/trailer combinations with a total weight of 12 tonnes or more that are used exclusively for the transport of goods.
Tolls must be paid on all motorways and the following roads:
Tolls must be paid before travel on the toll road starts using the Swedish road network.
The German organisation AGES is responsible for selling Eurovignettes on behalf of the Eurovignette countries. Payment can be made at certain fuel stations and forwarding agents, or online at AGES.
Note that the toll period for a day charge is 00.00–24.00. If transport on a toll road takes place between 21.30 and 02.30, payment for two days is required.
Tolls are paid in SEK. The toll amounts may be changed at the start of the year, depending on the exchange rate of SEK to Euro.
All information that was previously on the toll certificate is now in the AGES electronic system in a central database to which the member countries have access. The police are able to check if toll has been paid for a specific vehicle, regardless of its nationality, through a search in the database. This allows for increased and improved supervision of payments, without the need to stop vehicles in order to check vignettes.
The toll tariff depends on the EURO class of the truck and the number of axles of the truck or truck/trailer combination. On 1 July 2019, the tolls were adapted to more recent emission requirements for vehicle engines and for many trucks the toll was increased at that time. For trucks in EURO class V or EEV, the toll per year, month and week was instead increased on 1 January 2020.
Refunds may be allowed for tolls paid for a year, month, week or day. The Swedish Tax Agency will decide on refunds, but the application must be sent to AGES (address below). The amount refunded is calculated on the basis of the number of days remaining of the toll period, starting on the day on which the application is received by AGES. An administration fee of 25 euros is deducted from the refunded amount.
Swedish Tax Agency
Vehicle tax
SE- 871 87 Härnösand
(wait for a reply and select telephonist)
Berghausener Strasse 96
D-40764 Langenfeld