Application for Special Income Tax (SINK)
available in English and Swedish. Please note that the use of the forms rather than the e-service may lead to longer processing times.
This form is intended for persons who are not residents of Sweden and who, for example,
If the Swedish personal identity number/co-ordination number is missing, a copy of a passport or other identification document must be enclosed.
The Swedish Tax Agency will not register a person from outside EU or EEA countries or Switzerland, a third-country national, for work income unless he or she is permitted to work here.
If you need more information concerning permission to work, we refer to the Swedish Migration Agency.
An employer, who is about to recruit, must make certain that the employee is entitled to stay and work in Sweden, prior to the employment.
An employer who hires a third country national is also required to notify the Swedish Tax Agency of the employment. The notification is made on the form SKV 1160. A notification must be made for each person hired, by the 12th of the month following the commencement of the employment.
In most cases, the relevant address is stated on the form. If no address is given, please send the form to:
SE-205 30 Malmö
Här kan du få fram viktiga datum för ditt företag. Då kan du lätt se när du behöver betala in skatter, deklarera eller när du får utbetalningar.